The most wonderful feeling for a woman is when she finds the news that she will give birth to a child. But what if her pregnancy kit gives her a false result about her would be motherhood?
Ectopic pregnancy is not a real pregnancy at all, but an at-home pregnancy test, a women receive false-positive results about her pregnancy. In the United Kingdom, among 90 cases at least 1 patient suffers from ectopic pregnancy.
What is ectopic pregnancy?
Usually, in a healthy pregnancy, the fertilized egg attaches and grows into the lining of the uterus. In the case of ectopic pregnancy, the fertilized eggs stuck and implanted outside the uterus cavity and started growing there. In most cases, the fertilized egg is implanted outside of the womb like one of the ovaries.
Why does ectopic pregnancy give false positive results?
Every fertilized egg produces Human Chorionic Gonadotropic (HCG) hormone. In-home pregnancy test kit, HCG hormone-releasing with urine is mainly detected and normally people confirm their pregnancy. In both normal and ectopic pregnancies, the fertilized egg is present, as usual, HCG hormone is also released and traced in urine samples. That’s why in most cases, the mother fails to determine whether it is an ectopic pregnancy or a healthy pregnancy.
Which signs and symptoms can confirm whether a mother is having a safe normal pregnancy or ectopic pregnancy?
Medical examination like ultrasound and blood tests usually confirms about ectopic pregnancy. Again between the 4th to 12th months, some symptoms appeared that need to be observed:
- Pain in the lower tummy especially in a single site
- Vaginal bleeding or brown discharge
- Shoulder pain
- Discomfort during micturition and defecation
Is it possible to have a healthy baby from ectopic pregnancy?
The uterus provides a healthy environment for a baby to grow but in the case of ectopic pregnancy, the baby does not receive the proper environment for growing. Unfortunately, the baby cannot survive but in the future, the same woman can have a healthy pregnancy.
How to prevent ectopic pregnancy?
Generally, there is no way to prevent ectopic pregnancy but some safety measures can be taken:
- Limiting the number of sexual partners.
- Using condoms during intercourse to prevent sexually transmitted diseases.
- No smoking.
Final thoughts
Ectopic pregnancy is one of the most unfortunate incidents for a mother who is expecting a baby. Ectopic pregnancy sometimes can be so dangerous that the fallopian tube might burst open. Early detection and treatment is essential for the ruptured tube to prevent life-threatening bleeding.