How Do You Work Out Trimesters In Pregnancy?

How Do You Work Out Trimesters In Pregnancy?

During pregnancy, we should fit our bodies as much as possible. Due to various physical changes during pregnancy, multiple problems can occur in the body. From time immemorial, doctors have always advised pregnant women not to rest and to limit activity. Always be active during pregnancy.

Why and what workout should we do during pregnancy?

We should always keep the body active from the first semester of pregnancy. And for that start walking at least 15 to 20 minutes daily from the beginning. And gradually increase the amount of walking for 20 to 30 minutes two to four times a week. If you work out regularly before getting pregnant then you can adjust easily with your baby bump. 

 During the second semester of pregnancy, we advise avoiding heavy workouts. During this time, the baby grows rapidly in the womb due to which the joints begin to stretch, so there is a high risk of sprains due to minor injuries. Keep your body fit during this time by walking, swimming, and doing some light exercise. Never lift anything heavier than 25 pounds.

During the last and third semesters of pregnancy, the body prepares for the delivery of the baby. The safest and best workouts during this time are swimming and walking. Swimming is very effective for normal delivery. 

Again it can be turned off at this time last time, but we must take all the steps with the advice of our doctor. But of course, we need to determine the workout measurement type during this entire pregnancy according to the body type.