Early Molar Pregnancy Ultrasound vs Viable Pregnancy

Early Molar Pregnancy Ultrasound vs Viable Pregnancy

As a mother, you should know the difference between a molar pregnancy ultrasound and a viable pregnancy ultrasound. Because they are two different things. A molar pregnancy is in-fact a non-viable pregnancy, usually detected by the unusual snowstorm-like observation in sonograms. For this, you have to get a separate test for pre-birth care and you also need other ways to deal with it. Through careful considerations, your doctor can advice the best care for you!. We have explained viable pregnancy and its causes in a separate post here.

Why is it Important to Get a Regular Molar Pregnancy Ultrasound?

Trust us when we say that you need to get regular check-up during pregnancy. Because otherwise you are going to get confused between your state in pregnancy. The main thing separating a viable pregnancy from a molar one is the presence of a child. You have to maintain proper communication your doctors and medicine suppliers to avoid any mishaps regarding your state.

Comparison Table

FeatureMolar PregnancyViable Pregnancy
Gestational SacOften absent or irregularPresent, typically regular in shape
Embryo/Fetus PresenceNo embryo or fetusEmbryo or fetus present with heartbeat
Uterine SizeLarger than expected for gestational ageCorresponds with gestational age
Trophoblastic TissueExcessive, forming a mass of cysts (grapelike)Normal placental development
hCG LevelsExtremely high and rising abnormallyRising steadily and within expected range
BleedingCommon and often severeMay have light spotting, but usually minimal
SymptomsSevere nausea and vomitingMild to moderate nausea and vomiting
Cystic StructuresNumerous small cysts within the uterusTypically absent
Ovarian ChangesTheca lutein cysts may be presentNormal ovarian appearance
Follow-UpRequires immediate medical interventionRoutine prenatal care

Early findings of molar pregnancy are downright important in determining your and your baby’s health. For molar pregnancies, you need to get fast treatment to avoid complications and make sure of your well-being. Just like that, viable pregnancies, with proper care, typically progress to full term pregnancy with a healthy baby! Identifying these differences early is key to providing the best care and management for expectant mothers.